Thursday, September 30, 2010

Vote for me

Hey all, I'm trying to win a Trash the Dress/Rock the Dress photoshoot through Noyan Photography. If you have a minute, I would really appreciate if you would go to their Facebook page...!/noyanphotography , "like" the page, then go to their photo album and comment a vote on my picture. I'm the one on the red couch.

Our wedding photographer was less then awesome so I would really love to be able to have pictures of me and my dress that I like.

Thanks in advance!

Saturday, September 25, 2010

Review: Vine Expressions

First Review. You ready for this? I thought I'd start with one of our favorite dates in the area.
These are NOT my pictures, I still can't find my camera cord so I'm borrowing for now. I'll make a note on who took the pictures.

Vine Expressions is a small wine bar in Gilbert in civic center shopping just south of Warner on Gilbert Road. It's really quiet and rarely busy, the atmosphere is laid back and the people behind the bar are great and know a lot about wine.
Obviously they have a huge wine list for about $7 and up by the glass and their daily featured wines go for $5-$7. Half the place is the wine store, it's like functional decor and you can buy a bottle of wine and drink it there, take home a bottle of something you tried by the glass or just wander looking at the selection. For the non-wine drinkers there is good beer selection too. I couldn't tell you what else they have to drink because I don't usually get past the featured wines.
They also have great app plates and small meals. Or what they call "noshes". We like to sit at the bar or they have some tables and couches to relax in. There is always things going on mostly on weekdays like wine tastings for $10-$15 that includes 4 different wines and an appetizer plate and a discount on wines by the bottle.
There is live music some nights, but the good kind in the background, not the can't hear each other talk kind. Our favorite is Brian Willia, a great acoustic guitar player. All their upcoming events are on the website.
But, by the way, they are closed Sunday and Monday, I've learned that the hard way and I don't enjoy driving up Gilbert Rd through downtown unless I absolutely have to. Happy hour is from 11AM-6PM with some discounts on wine by the glass but we don't usually get there until around 7 or 8 so not sure how crowded it gets.

Next amazing(?) post to look forward to...
My experience with Bountiful Baskets! Okay so this week I'm just splitting with one of the ladies from The Nest local boards so I can get some apples(apple pie anyone) but I'm looking into getting our own soon. It sounds like an awesome idea. Here's the website, more info about this whole BB thing next time.

P.S. Photo by Hilen Cruz and by the way I'm not liking the photo uploader on here.

Saturday, September 18, 2010

Ah Kids.

My story for the week is thanks to the sweet charming little boys(sarcasm implied just a smidge) that I've started nannying. These two are hilarious and adorable and have so much energy it's crazy. The last two times I've seen them to interview/meet them they've been bouncing off the walls being typical little 5 and 7 year old boys trying to outdo one another and show off because I was there.

My actual first day of picking them up from school and watching them was Thursday. Everything was going great, I talked to their teachers and got them in my truck. I asked about their day at school and then the stories started coming about who did this and what this girl said, I'm trying to keep a straight face while they're telling me these stories so seriously. Then we pull up to a light and the 5 year old who is sitting right next to me says, "Hey look at my muscles!" and does the arm pose. I say wow look at those and do the same thing with my arm and say look at mine! He looks at my arm and points and says, "You need a Shakeweight!" Um, excuse me???
I can't stop laughing about it. This is why I love little kids, they say whatever is on their minds. And scares you at the same time because you know they are listening to everything other people are saying and commercials which can be even worse.

It's been a busy but good week. I got myself a handy dandy organizer(my mother is so proud) so hopefully I will be on top of everything and get all my projects done sooner then later. My immediate project is to clean my room(my mother didn't ever get through to me on that) and find my camera cord so I can post pictures of California and do my first date nights in the East Valley!

Monday, September 13, 2010

I'm a bad blogger

Who knew that in order to have a blog, you have to update it. Hmm.

Well I, Katie, am back from California after my almost month long stint enjoying the beautiful weather (85 degree highs) and working normal hours for the first time in my life. I quite enjoyed sitting at a desk and getting to go to lunch every day. The news of the month is that my brother Sean is getting married, he and his awesome bride-to-be Kate are planning a San Francisco City Hall wedding NEXT MONTH:) I'm trying not to let this give me the wedding bug again that I so recently got better from. Notice how I said better, not cured.
But I'm not complaining, I get to go right back up to my favorite state in a month for all the fun festivities including possibly the coolest wedding reception ever at their favorite local bar. Can't wait.

I think I keep jinxing myself by teasing(threatening?) to put pictures up here because I was without my camera cord in California, then lost my camera altogether when Matt came out to visit me and brought my cord with him. I came home to AZ thinking that I'd never see my sweet little camera again and voila, someone found it and it's now safely with me again. However, now I need to find my camera cord before I can post any pictures. I think I have a problem.

The hubby and I have been married 3 months. Time flies. This year has gone by so fast yet the last couple weeks have seemed to go by so slow. I hate this part of the year in Arizona. It seems that everyone is exhausted from the heat that won't quite go away for another month. And everyone is busy with school and work and no one has time to do much of anything. I'm the kind of person who always is looking forward to something and I can't ever be without a project. So I'm undertaking a new project of finishing all my old projects and then organizing our little house. Truth be told we have a lot of "stuff" for such a little house. And a shed full of who knows what, I'm sure I don't know what we stuck in there when we moved in and forgot. Which brings me to the reason that I now have time to do these new/old projects...

I quit my job! I'll admit it sounds kind of crazy to quit a job in this economy but while I was gone I decided that I didn't need a job that stressed me out and I was disrespected in, especially when it didn't really help out much financially(ah the joys of a student's salary). And no sooner had I quit when I discovered something else that would help pay bills and is something I already love doing. I'm going to nanny! Right now I only have a couple jobs each part time but surprise surprise, there is no shortage of people needing someone to watch their kids. And I love kids and if I can get paid to snuggle babies I'm a happy camper. It's not much but it gives me the flexibility to take on whatever comes our way in this crazy changing world of being a newlywed. I never thought we would have too many opportunities. Even a year ago, I had hoped but didn't know we would be in the place we are today. Heck, 3 months ago I didn't know how much we would like being married. It's a nice feeling.

So maybe eventually we will post some reviews, or pictures. But I'm getting the updating down first. And learning not to ramble so much as I am so prone to doing. Thanks for listening.