Monday, April 23, 2012


It has been a rough couple of weeks, really most of a month, for me. I haven't felt like doing much thanks to a rough allergy season which turned into bronchitis. Or something about my asthma...all I really remember about the visit to the Dr. was that is isn't contagious(So I could still work even though I sound awful). I'm one of those flaky people who have a million questions walking in to the office visit and then can't remember to ask any of them and can't remember what the Dr. said. That's why I bring back up(poor Matt had to hold my purse). So basically this is just one of those crappy illnesses that I just have to be patient and wait it out. I haven't been a very happy camper lately as a result. I just want to take a magic pill and make it all go away. Thanks to my health conscious mother and amazing chiropractor, I know better than that. But still, very little sleep at night thanks to coughing makes for a very grumpy, even less motivated Katie. My loving husband has been very patient with me, and even more patient with getting less sleep than me and still going to work the next day.

So while I could just whine and complain about feeling crappy(and I'm sure Matt has had more than enough of that lately)...I do want to say that I am so very thankful to have the family and friends that I do. I obviously have a great husband to take care of me and encourage me to hang in there. I have some great friends like my best friend Sammy who regularly does fun things with me to get me out of my funk and Calian who always puts a smile on my face even if only texting me from Flagstaff(and makes me thankful for beautiful sunny days down here). I'm thankful for our crazy ridiculous dog who is always demanding attention in the most adorable way. I'm thankful for this house because it's a learning experience and I get to paint! I can't say that I mind having a long list of projects. And last but not least I'm just very thankful for where our lives have brought us and I'm excited for all the big things in our future.

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